Long time no blog

Sitting down here to start writing out some blog posts.  Obviously, if you’ve kept up with my blog at all, you’ll know I haven’t been keeping with my schedule of trying to do three blog posts a week.

This is because:

  1. I think three blog posts a week is overly ambitious on my part.  It kinda led me a bit to burn out a bit on blogging, but honestly, it also made me try to churn out posts instead of stuff I want to do more of when I blog – more in depth posts about topics. That didn’t help keep me motivated to do it. So for now, I’m going to try to post twice a week from here on out, but if I feel so inclined, you might see three.
  2. It’s hard to post at VMworld on an iPad.  Or maybe it’s just hard for someone starting out trying to blog regularly to do it while at a conference.  I dunno, but what I do know is I didn’t blog like I wanted to there.
  3. Our dog, Megan, who we had for 14 years, we had to put down.  We don’t have any children, so she was like a child to us in a way.  It was heartbreaking to try to figure out what was wrong, what to do, watching her everyday, etc.  My wife also took it really hard, as they were especially joined to the hip, so to speak.  It wasn’t a quick thing, and I just think, probably understandably, I had zero motivation to blog going through that.  The very next week, my wife had shoulder surgery, so a lot of the day to day stuff she does fell on me for a while, so something had to take a back seat, so blogging was one of them.  Now, I’ve got my proverbial crap together in my head, so I’m ready to go!

So, expect to see some more blog posts you hopefully find valuable coming.

Let’s do this!