Category Archives: VNX

Insufficient permission to run CLI command

'Insufficient permission to run CLI command' when performing upgrade on VNX File OE.
Error message:  Insufficient permission to run CLI command

Ran into this today while attempting to update VNX File OE code for a customer using Unisphere Service Manager.  While there were no major issues reported within Unisphere, I got the following when attempting to start the process by running “Prepare for Installation (Step-1)”:

Google only yielded an article that basically said to ensure you’re running USM on the same subnet, which I was.  I began troubleshooting by running within USM “Health Check”, which showed various errors indicating a failover of a Control Station.  I failed back to CS0, and reran the Health Check within USM, which passed, and then tried again, and everything worked like a champ!